The Department is structured into two divisions.
- Rural Development Division
- Extension Services Division
The functions of the Department are as follows:
- Provision and improvement of critical rural infrastructure for environmental sustainability, including integrated water resources management, promotion of alternative energy sources.
- Capacity building and empowerment of women and youth for sustainability development and value chains.
- Building partnerships and participation in National Initiatives relating to Community mobilization using NGOs, CBOs, and Women groups.
- Promotion and management of school outreach programmes on environmental activities.
- Facilitate the implementation of community development plans.
- Environmental education awareness and provide extension services.
- Promotion of alternative energy sources.
- Facilitate the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and access to credit.
- Environmental education and awareness.
- Facilitate the formation of community associations.
- Liaise with State and Local Governments on all matters of environmental activities.
- Facilitate the Preparation of community development plans.
- Special Intervention Programmes.
To design, develop and properly implement a participatory and community driven proven sustainable rural development strategy within the GGW operational areas and up-scaling best practices that will contribute to greater ecosystem stability, enhanced food security and improved livelihoods.
To be the leading department in transforming nigeria’s drylands for greater ecosystem stability, enhanced food security and poverty reduction through provision of improved sustainable rural development services within the NAGGW operational areas.
The Department of Rural Development and Extension Services is one of the technical departments of the Agency that is saddled with the following responsibilities and functions as its mandate;
- – Provision and improvement of critical rural infrastructure for environmental sustainability including integrated water resources management, promotion of alternative energy sources.
- – Capacity building and empowerment of women and youth for sustainability development and value-chains.
- – Building partnership and participation in national initiatives relating to community mobilization using NGOs, CBOs, Women group etc.
- – Promotion and management of school outreach programs on environment activities.
- – Facilitate the implementation of community development plans.
- – Environmental education awareness/sensitization and provide extension services.
- – Implementation of integrated water resources management.
- – Other duties that may be assigned by the Director General.
The activities of the Department are broadly classified into four namely;
- Integrated Water Resources Management.
- Provision of Boreholes
- Drip Irrigation Services
- Construction of Earth Dams
- Rural Livelihood and Extension Services.
- Skill Acquisition Centre
- Capacity building and empowerment of women and youths
- Alternative livelihood
- Rural Infrastructure
- Rural Feeder Road
- Provision of Other basic Rural Infrastructure
- Renewable energy