The legal Unit is under the direct supervision of the Director-General. It is the key professional Unit in the Agency created by implication under section 3 (1) of the second schedule of the Agency Acts, 2015. The Unit is created to ensure that the Agency complies with all legal frameworks and extent rules for implementing the Great Green Wall programme in Nigeria, mitigating, or eradicating the effect of drought, rehabilitation of degraded land and ecosystem restoration.
The Legal Services Unit has the following functions:
- Ensure compliance with the provisions of international conventions, protocols, agreements, and treaties on the implementation of the Great Green Wall Programme.
- Ensure compliance with laws, rules, and regulations on sustainable management of the natural resources in the Agency’s area of operation, put in place by the Government from time to time in consultation with States.
- Ensure uniformity of laws, rules and regulations that impact the ecosystem in the Agency’s operational areas.
- Serve in an Advisory capacity to all Departments/ Divisions/ Sections/Units of the Agency.
- Legal, research, analysis and drafting as it relates to the mandates of the Agency.
- Legal Representation.
- Negotiate, prepare, and execute legal documents, including international cooperation agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) in collaboration with the relevant departments.
- Monitoring of cases involving the Agency and liaison with law firms in respect of the Agency’s court matters.
- Assist with the organization/execution of National Council Meetings.