Half-Moon (Zai Method) Largescale Planting

Half-Moon (Zai Method) Largescale Planting

Land degradation is a process in which the state of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of natural and human-induced activities acting upon the land.
In line with the Agency’s mandate to combat desertification and drought, the Director General/CEO Dr. Yusuf Maina-Bukar  introduced the Half-Moon, which is a planting technique designed to collect water and make moisture available for vegetation for a longer time, therefore, improving the soil structure and fertility.
This technique helps to cultivate crops and other tree seedlings within the cavity of the moon as they thrive from the micro vegetation of the Half-Moon.
The Half-Moon is a sustainable and affordable technique that improves soil texture and fertility, improves soil water retention and reduces excessive runoff of water, reduces soil erosion, improves vegetation cover and biodiversity, and serves as an effective land management measure against land impoverishment. It is effective in harsh environments where rainfall of less than 600mm.
